FlashBox Films

The California based full-service production house, FlashBox Films, produces a variety of content (commercials, branded video content, television shows, and film) for clients including Netflix, Tastemade, ESPN, CBS, and Discovery, to name a few. As they work on the production side of these projects, they rely on a slew of Core SWX batteries from the smaller NANO-U98 battery packs up to Helix 150 Mini’s to power their Sony FX9 and Arri Alexa Mini cameras. In addition to learning how their Core SWX power is beneficial to their productions, we got a chance to hear their creative process, most memorable project, and what they’ll be working on after these hard times of being in quarantine are over.

1. Tell us about your company, FlashBox Films.

From its inception in 2012 Flashbox Films, owned and operated by Ran Jones, William Kamp, and David Franklin, have been creating and having a blast redefining expectations of quality in the branded content add-space, telling stories that audience’s love through our work in film and television, and growing with the entertainment community to stay ahead of the curve and be a leader in content creation, production services, and equipment rentals.

2. What’s been one of your most memorable projects you worked on?

Our most memorable project to date has been producing the feature-length comedy “Wedding Party”. This hilarious film chronicles the mishaps and happy accidents that befall a bride and groom on the night of their wedding reception. The project stands out for us as we underwent the technical challenge of shooting this feature-length project in one true take. No hidden cuts or camera tricks here. Filming took place over five days filled with rehearsals, strategic production planning, and the ability to capture two full takes per day. All said and done, we were so proud of our actors and production teams and the work they each put in to create a truly unique and funny film that was successfully released on DVD and VOD services worldwide.

3. What is your creative process when tackling a project?

When approaching a project there are a million ways to get from A to B, and that’s why Flashbox always seeks to find that central emotion that will capture our viewers’ minds and hearts, and we always ask: What is the real story we want to tell, and why? The second part of that question becomes the most important element when building a project. Having a powerful reason makes finding creative solutions a breeze and gives us a vision and direction to build toward. There is no one catch-all process for us, but we have found that working as a team and focusing on collaboration and chasing ideas that we are passionate about makes all the work seem like play, and that’s okay with us!

4. What Core SWX power solutions do you rely on, and how are they beneficial to your productions?

Core SWX power systems have been integral to the success and quality of our projects for a few years now. We take advantage of these little beasts on our Sony FX9 and Arri Alexa Mini cinema cameras. Our go-to batteries are the Helix 9, Helix 150, and most recently the Nano-U98’s because of their durability, quick charging, long-lasting power, and their high dependability factor. Our favorite part of working with any Core SWX product is the fact that we don’t have to worry about them working when we need them. Having one less thing on set to think about means we get to put more energy into making a project shine.

5. After quarantine times are over, what exciting new projects can we look forward to seeing next from FlashBox Films?

COVID-19 has brought unprecedented change and uncertainty to the film industry in these recent weeks. Our hearts go out to the many talented artists and creators currently struggling and worried about their future. In times like these, we at Flashbox believe the most important thing we can do is to be kind, to help and support one another, and to always lean on love, not fear. We hope for a safe and speedy recovery for everyone affected and know this industry will bounce back with a vengeance. We are looking forward to resuming business as usual soon and are currently in development on several unscripted TV and streaming projects that we hope to bring to market in the coming year, and you better believe our Core SWX batteries will be right there with us the entire way!


Stay connected with FlashBox Films by checking out their site, and following them on social (Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn).


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